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Invisible braces are now being offered at Real Dentistry by our wonderful Dr Yvonne Chai.

What are invisible braces?

Invisible braces is a treatment to straighten teeth using clear plastic retainers (also known as clear aligners) without using traditional metal wires and brackets. Invisible braces are part of the digital dentary evolution and have been offered by dentists worldwide since 1999. More and more dentists and orthodontists are moving away from conventional braces and adopting digital orthodontics by providing invisible braces as the treatment offers greater precision and faster results.

Who is suitable for invisible braces?

Invisible braces may be a great solution for anyone who wants to straighten their teeth, correct mild to moderate crowding or spacing issues, or who wants to correct a deep bite, open bite, or overbite. Age is not a limit for this treatment; however invisible braces are recommended for patients who have all their permanent teeth fully erupted (normally from the age of 15 years old onwards). Invisible braces are not just for adolescents but are also suitable for adults of any age group who do not want to wear tradition metal braces.

Pros/Advantages of invisible braces

Compared to traditional metal braces, invisible braces are more comfortable, more aesthetically pleasing, and are more precise and accurate in their results. With invisible braces it is also easier to maintain good oral hygiene – reducing the chance of gum disease or decay (caries) developing. Your oral health therapist and dentist will love it! Treatment is completed on average 5 months faster than metal braces, and there are less appointments required throughout the process.

Cons/Disadvantages of invisible braces

In order to be effective, invisible braces relies on your compliance to wear the retainers for 22 hours a day. Like metal braces, invisible braces do not change the shape of your teeth but can be offered in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures to achieve your desired smile.

If you are interested in pursuing invisible braces, book in now for a consultation with Dr Yvonne Chai to see if you are eligible for treatment.

Real Dentistry

Author Real Dentistry

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